LK Englisch oder ¿Como estais?


Dear Readership (Shorties, half shorties and K12")

I must you unbethinged from a special mega-event tell, which always on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday place took - the LK English.

But, as you see in the headline, we learned not only English, but Spanish, Italian, French or Chinese, because Mr Hänsele often not knew, in which language lesson he eigentlich was. About Mr Hänsele can you say , that he not only a language-freak, but a FANATIC is. He loves it, languages to learn and to teach; Mr Hänsele and languages belong together like Steiner and Feuchtgruber! And his receipt for language-learning is: In every country need you a woman (or a man) as a teacher. On the question from Roland, how he all the women under one hat gets, answered Mr Hänsele: "Roland, get first time ONE GIRL on the row, then we talk about women!" After he said that, was the bear loose!

Now must I inroom, that Mr Hänsele always women-jokes made. Some of them were good, but sometimes reizte he the girls on devil come out. Especially Sane, Evi and the girls of the first row gave often their mustard to it, whereby he always laugh must.

Yes, we had always lots of fun in his lessons, even when he us the boring, longbreathing Abituraufgaben not spare could. Middlerwhile we can say, that they us what brought have. I think, that you say can, that his lessons were most of the time great, spicked with hear-examples, films, books, Bill Clinton and discussions about dreamboys and dreamgirls and the attractivity of men in their best age. For reward we drove sometimes in the theatre, whereby Salzburg the bird shot. It was fantastic!!!

Because this an important point for many pupils is, will I you something about his notes tell, and there can you say, that nobody weep must like a castledog! He benoted very, very fair, and because he of the opinion is, that a referat already a big, uggly thing is, could we our referates about topics make, which us interested. So learned we something about painters, Chinese, Tarot-cards and Lady Di.

And he was always there, when we a question had, and he tried always to help.
Short and pregnant (Thanks, Nußi!): Mr Hänsele´s lessons are great, humorful, ironical, informative and bring something.
Thanks, that you tried, us your joy at the language overtobring!


Merci! Grazie! ¡Muchas gracias! Efcharisto! 

Endword: Prädikate very empfehlensworth ! 



 P.S. von Rebby: Bitte mehr Praktikanten (Gell, Herr Schöps!) !